Tomas Kirchhausen, Ph.D.

Project Director, Springer Family Professor of Pediatrics at Boston Children's Hospital and Professor of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School
Tomas Kirchhausen, Ph.D.

Dr. Tomas Kirchhausen is an expert on endocytic uptake mechanisms, and he recently pioneered high-resolution live cell imaging approaches to visualize clathrin-dependent endocytosis in live cells in real time. He has successfully applied this approach to the study of both enveloped and nonenveloped virus entry, including studies on reovirus, rotavirus (in collaboration with Dr. Harrison), vesicular stomatitis, rabies, and Junin viruses (in collaboration with Dr. Whelan), Ebola virus (in collaboration with Drs. Cunningham and Whelan), and dengue virus (in collaboration with Drs. Yang and Harrison). His cell biology expertise and imaging approaches will be an integral component of deciphering the mechanism of action of inhibitors and will contribute to all projects of this CETR.

Lab Researchers: